Universal Prayer


O Universal God,

All Radiant Universal Light.

As I turn my mind to you,

fill my heart and mind and life

with Your Clear Light.

From the unreal, lead me to The Real!

From darkness, lead me to The Light!

From death, to Immortality!


Peace, Peace, Peace.

Victory to That Beloved
Universal I Am That I Am
Which You are.

Maitreya The Friend



Bhagavan's Prayer

My God!
My Beloved!
My One True Self!
I surrender completely unto Thee!

Restore Thy Authority!
Manifest Thy Presence within this little self
until it has become One with Thee,
shining forth with Thy Own Clear Light!

Let me know, this moment,
my Oneness with Thee;
the one thing I lack;
through which all else is made Perfect!

Heal the division in me;
that I may Know Thy Oneness
in all this that is!

Consume this little self
in the Sacred Fire of Thy Presence!
That I may find my way through the Ordeal
and be Liberated from it,
Realizing my Oneness with Thee!

From the unreal, lead me to The Real!
From darkness, lead me to the Light!
From division, lead me to Wholeness!
From the temporary, lead me to The Eternal!
From death, lead me to Immortality!

O Beloved Universal God!
I would be One with Thee fully this moment!
Make my Doing One with my Speech!
Make my Speech One with my Mind!
Make my Mind One with my Heart!
Make my Heart One with my Will!
and my Will One with Thy Will!

Shatter this prison of false self!
and absorb me,
in the Ocean of Your Infinite Being,
As a drop of water in the Sea!
That I shall Know without doubt or reservation
that You and I are not we, but One!

For Thou Art my only True Self;

There is no I but Thee!
So Be it with me!

Victory To That
Beloved Universal I Am That I Am
Which You Are!

Maitreya The Friend



Mid-Day Prayer

O Beloved God,

As Thy golden Sun rises

high above the world at mid-day

let me rise above the burdens and trials of this life

and be a shining light of Thy Divine Truth and Love
to everyone I meet.

All Victory and Glory to You!

Victory To That Beloved
Universal I Am That I Am
Which You Are!

Maitreya The Friend

Morning Prayer

O Beloved God,

As I journey through this day,

may I seek not to be loved,
but to love;

may I seek not to be understood,
but to understand;

may I seek not to gain happiness,
but to give happiness;

may I not seek relief
from suffering,
but seek to relieve others
of suffering.

All Victory and Glory to You!

Victory To That Beloved
Universal I Am That I Am
Which You Are!


Maitreya The Friend



























Evening Prayer

O Beloved God,

As I journey through the world of dreams this night,

let my heart and mind
be purified

and let me rise into the
Heaven World

and rest in Thy Infinite
Divine Presence

like a drop of water
in an endless sea!

All Victory and Glory to You!

Victory To That Beloved
Universal I Am That I Am
Which You Are!


Maitreya The Friend



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