By The Will and Grace of The One Universal God:

Let these Two Rules and One Instruction taken together as one be called Inner Divine Communion, for whosoever shall do this shall enter, straightaway into Divine Communion with thee and Me.”

“Let The First Rule of your Religion be:

 Love The One Universal God with all of your heart, all of your mind and all of your Spirit; Love yourself and one another even as you love God; and accept, love and revere all of God’s Prophets, Saints, Buddhas, Saviors and Avataras alike, without being bound to accept what has been said or written about them.

Let this be called The Rule of Divine Love.

 “Let The Second Rule of your Religion be:

Seek, find and live by The Inner Divine Inspiration, Insight, Guidance and Revelation of The One Universal God and The Friend, and the counsel of your own True and Essential Conscience within The Secret Inner Sanctuary of your Heart, according to My One Instruction, in all things, great and small.

Let this be called The Rule of Divine Guidance.”

Let The One Instruction be:

With your Heart and Mind firmly set on Seeking The Highest Truth; Call Upon Me to become active in Spirit within The Secret Inner Sanctuary of your Heart by holding My Presence within your mind and calling out within your Heart ‘Bhagavan Ji! Bhagavan Ji! Bhagavan Ji!’

Ask for and open yourself to The Inner Divine Inspiration, Insight, Guidance and Revelation of Paratpara,* The One Universal God of Countless Names and Forms and The Friend and your own True and Essential Conscience.

Take Refuge in The Four Pillars of Bhagavan, Dharma, Sangha and Satya Yuga and enter into The Secret Inner Sanctuary of your Heart through the repetition of My Holy Dharma Mantra ‘Jai Bhagavan Ji!’ (Jay Bhag-wan Gee).

Immerse yourself in The Divine Ocean of Paratpara’s Supreme Truth and Being therein, like a drop of water in The Sea and dwell steadily therein, like a candle flame in a still place, INJIA (Instantaneously Non-Judgmentally Insightfully Aware) and accepting of whatever comes, while it is coming, whatever lingers, while it is lingering and whatever goes, while it is going;

Speaking that which is right to be Spoken when it is right to Speak it; Doing that which is right to be Done when it is right to Do it.

Offer each part and the whole of these to Paratpara in the Sacrificial Fire within The Secret Inner Sanctuary of your Heart at each instant and receive whatever returns to you as Divine Gifts, given unto you by Paratpara and The Friend for your own Self-Realization and Liberation and the Perfection of The Holy Satya Yuga in this world for The Self-Realization and Liberation of all Souls everywhere for all time.

This do, in a spirit of harm to none and benefit to all. And you shall Know The Truth and The Truth shall set you Free.

Let this be called The One Instruction.”

The Holy Book of Destiny


© Copyright 2003 - Adhyatma Bhagavan The Friend  - All Rights Are Reserved

* Unfamiliar words. The word Paratpara is not another name for God, but a description of God's Ultimate and Transcendent Nature. Paratpara means "The One Universal God of all Creation who is within yet beyond all Creation." Dharma means: "God's Eternal Universal Religion." Sangha means, "The Holy Community of the Faithful Maitreyians." Satya Yuga means, "The Age of Universal God's Pure Divine Truth on Earth."



